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Thursday, May 27, 2010

American Devil

She had mentioned
as I squeezed
a few peaches
that i should hurry
that her mother
was afraid
of my face

It's alright
I get that
just about
all the time

And I do
but she
with features
that drew my breath
like the Loch
at midnight

Spoke of her Father
on his death bed
worked his last painting
which was of
the Devil
who he had met

And I was almost
too captivated
by her dialect
to catch
that his devil
looked identical
to me

Diablo Negro

So I scare your mother
I squeeze your peaches
and condemn your daddy
to hell

that's too bad

Here's three dollars
and an apology

for wanting your fruits
for scaring your mother
for grinnin' too wide
for being me


Jesus minus u. said...

I know you're not into this whole technology thing, but find me:!/profile.php?id=1314202964

You're too good.

Unknown said...

Oh good! I might roll over to tumblr, a change of scenery might be nice.
(Ps. My profile Picture is the green ranger... just sayin')